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Inadale Acres

Inadale Drive, Strathroy

Inadale Acres.

LOT 9, CON 14

 Adelaide-Metcalfe Township


5550 Inadale Dr,

Strathroy, ON

N7G 3H4


We Are Taking Proposals for Spring  2020

Application Deadline April 30, 2020

Hi all! We are taking expressions of interest for the rental or sharecrop of roughly 2.37 acres of well-drained farmland with great soil to begin in spring 2020. Perfect for someone looking to start a small agricultural venture. This smaller acreage is just the right size for small-scale specialty crops: market vegetables, flower agriculture, specialty herbs - it's pretty much a blank slate. The property is 30 minutes west of London, 10 minutes west of Strathroy, located near the corner of Mayfair Road and Inadale Drive in Metcalfe Township. The 2.37 acres is on a fifty-acre lot with a total workable acreage of approximately 46 acres that's sharecropped with a local farmer. The ground has been worked up and is ready for the planning phase. We're looking for someone who has the motivation and ambition to be successful with a small-scale specialty operation. We prefer applicants who have farming knowledge and access to equipment to work up smaller areas of soil.


The property is mostly systematically tiled with some of the best soil you can find in the area (sandy/silty-loam). There is organic potential as well: the 2.37 acres is buffered by large ditches and a hedge-like treeline so that it is isolated from other crop fields, and it has been a hay field for the last 20 years with minimal fertilizer and herbicide application.

If you are looking for a small acreage with good soil that is well drained, we would love to hear from you. We are looking to build a long-lasting relationship with good business-minded managers who have ambition and vision. If interested, call Jeffrey at 226-663-9007. You may also respond to this ad and outline a brief proposal. Include in your proposal the type of farming/crop, profit potential, share-cropping options (if applicable). Leave your name, phone number, and location. References may be required.

We look forward to working with you!

* Available Immediately *

* Application Deadline April 30, 2020 *

Phone: (email us first)
Property Address: 5550 Inadale Drive, Strathroy, ON, N7G 3H4


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