BlankSpace Publications

Dear Fans:
On May 5th, in the year of our Lord 2024, the viral hit Willy Bum Bum was finally permanently banned from YouTube—its birthplace and debut site—for “violating YouTube’s Terms of Service”. Willy Bum Bum has faced removal and reinstatement since it was published way back in 2010, and in 2018 was hit with an algorithm-supressing restriction which ultimately froze the hit counter at 30 million views.
One would think that the minions at YouTube would grandfather this video to represent a time when YouTube was cool; alas, YouTube has become more and more of a boring, boilerplate, mainstream media company over the past several years. Instead of thanking early YouTubers who took chances on risky content, and who generated the traffic that built YouTube into what it is today, they have taken the route of being safe and generic.
BlankSpace Publications took a chance on publishing Willy Bum Bum: The Completely Unnecessary Book back in 2015, five years after the video had been released. One of the reasons we wanted to publish it in hard-copy form was because we saw this day coming. Willy Bum Bum walks a very fine line between controversy and childish/immature fun, and we didn’t want to see such an obviously hilarious video dumped down the memory hole because of some prudish killjoy. This is why it is so important that seemingly frivolous, ephemeral YouTube videos like Willy Bum Bum be published in a more permanent medium. While YouTube might be able to suppress, erase, and undo videos like Willy Bum Bum, they can't unpublish a paperback book.
And so, the original Willy Bum Bum official video—in all its 480p and 4:3 aspect ratio glory—will have a permanent home here at the BlankSpace website, where it will be safe from arbitrary decisions made by pedestrian content adjudicators. It will also live on X (formerly Twitter) in a new HD format—but for how long, who knows? Link to X video is here:
For those of you who enjoyed this video now or in your youth, please consider supporting the author by buying the book (Amazon links below). It may end up being the only permanent record of its existence.
—BlankSpace Team

Links to Willy Bum Bum: The Completely Unnecessary Book
(a great Christmas gift for grandma)
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